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Displaying 1 - 20 of 23 (Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography)
Collection:  Photochemistry and Photobiology
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Adler, K. K. (1976). Extraocular photoreception in amphibians. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 23(4), 275–298.  
Added by: Sarina 2010-09-22 14:22:45
Bracchini, L., Loiselle, S., Dattilo, A. M., Mazzuoli, S., Cózar, A., & Rossi, C. (2004). The spatial distribution of optical properties in the ultraviolet and visible in an aquatic ecosystem. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 80(1), 139–149.  
Added by: Sarina 2012-01-24 11:42:54
Brown, D. B., Peritz, A. E., Mitchell, D. L., Chiarello, S., Uitto, J., & Gasparro, F. P. (2000). Common fluorescent sunlamps are an inappropriate substitute for sunlight. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 72(3), 340–344.  
Last edited by: Sarina 2020-06-06 10:40:44
Bruls, W. A. G., Slaper, H., van der Leun, J. C., & Berrens, L. (1984). Transmission of human epidermis and stratum corneum as a function of thickness in the ultraviolet and visible wavelengths. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 40(4), 485–494.  
Added by: Sarina 2010-06-25 17:43:52
Christiaens, F. J., Chardon, A., Fourtanier, A., & Frederick, J. E. (2005). Standard ultraviolet daylight for nonextreme exposure conditions. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 81(4), 874–878.  
Added by: Sarina 2010-12-16 17:39:29
Crump, D., Lean, D., Berrill, M., Coulson, D., & Toy, L. (1999). Spectral irradiance in pond water: Influence of water chemistry. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 70(6), 893–901.  
Added by: Sarina 2012-01-24 11:35:48
Dewan, E. M., Menkin, M. F., & Rock, J. (1978). Effect of photic stimulation on the human menstrual cycle. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 27(5), 581–585.  
Added by: Sarina 2013-05-29 19:28:16
Dobbinson, S., Niven, P., Buller, D., Allen, M., Gies, P., & Warne, C. (2016). Comparing handheld meters and electronic dosimeters for measuring ultraviolet levels under shade and in the sun. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 92(1), 208–214.  
Added by: Sarina 2020-11-08 09:48:49
Finlayson, L., Barnard, I. R. M., McMillan, L., Ibbotson, S. H., Brown, T. C. A., & Eadie, E., et al. (2022). Depth penetration of light into skin as a function of wavelength from 200 to 1000 nm. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 98(4), 974–981.  
Added by: Sarina 2024-02-22 09:21:06
Hays, J. B., Blaustein, A. R., Kiesecker, J. M., Hoffman, P. D., Pandelova, L., & Coyle, D., et al. (1996). Developmental responses of amphibians to solar and artificial uvb sources: A comparative study. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 64(3), 449–456.  
Last edited by: Sarina 2013-09-19 10:15:53
Hockberger, P. E. (2002). A history of ultraviolet photobiology for humans, animals and microorganism. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 76(6), 561–579.  
Added by: Sarina 2010-04-18 21:52:06
Leszczynski, K., Jokela, K., Ylianttila, L., Visuri, R., & Blumthaler, M. (1998). Erythemally weighted radiometers in solar uv monitoring: results from the wmo/stuk intercomparison. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 67(2), 212–221.  
Added by: Sarina 2011-01-04 18:25:47
Mayer, B., & Seckmeyer, G. (1996). All-weather comparison between spectral and broadband (robertson-berger) uv measurements. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 64(5), 792–799.  
Added by: Sarina 2010-12-30 12:53:34
McKenzie, R. L., Liley, J. B., & Björn, L. O. (2008). Uv radiation: balancing risks and benefits. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 85(1), 88–98.  
Added by: Sarina 2010-01-08 22:38:35
Mironava, T., Hadjiargyrou, M., Simon, M., & Rafailovich, M. H. (2012). The effects of uv emission from compact fluorescent light exposure on human dermal fibroblasts and keratinocytes in vitro. Photochemistry and Photobiology, no–no.  
Added by: Sarina 2012-09-19 12:59:36
Nilsen, L. T. N., Hannevik, M., Aalerud, T. N., Johnsen, B., Friberg, E. G., & Veierød, M. B. (2008). Trends in uv irradiance of tanning devices in norway: 1983–2005. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 84(5), 1100–1108.  
Last edited by: Sarina 2016-02-20 12:33:01
van Norren, D., & Gorgels, T. G. M. F. (2011). The action spectrum of photochemical damage to the retina: A review of monochromatic threshold data. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 87(4), 747–753.  
Added by: Sarina 2016-02-02 10:06:54
Piazena, H., & Kelleher, D. K. (2010). Effects of infrared-a irradiation on skin: Discrepancies in published data highlight the need for an exact consideration of physical and photobiological laws and appropriate experimental settings. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 86(3), 687–705.  
Added by: Sarina 2024-05-03 15:14:46
Pope, S. J., Holick, M. F., Mackin, S., & Godar, D. E. (2008). Action spectrum conversion factors that change erythemally weighted to previtamin d3-weighted uv doses. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 84(5), 1277–1283.  
Last edited by: Sarina 2016-02-03 09:22:03
Robertst, L. K., Beasley, D. G., Learn, D. B., Giddens, L. D., Beard, J., & Stanfield, J. W. (1996). Ultraviolet spectral energy differences affect the ability of sunscreen lotions to prevent ultraviolet-radiation-induced immunosuppression. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 63(6), 874–887.  
Added by: Sarina 2010-09-22 16:56:14
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