Licht-im-Terrarium: Literaturdatenbank

Recent additions or edits

Dishman, Q. Tungsten halogen model.
Added by: Sarina 2024-07-03 12:37:46
Agrawal, D. (2010). Calculation of the performance parameters of tungsten filament lamps using the exponent rules. Lighting Research & Technology, 42(4), 459–466.
Added by: Sarina 2024-07-03 11:55:53
Agrawal, D. (2011). The coiling factor in the tungsten filament lamps.
Added by: Sarina 2024-07-03 11:53:16
Coyne, S. (2017). Spectral correction of photodetectors for led products.
Last edited by: Sarina 2024-06-28 09:50:46
Personal communication.
Last edited by: Sarina 2024-06-26 10:09:15
Vasas, V., Lowell, M., Villa, J., Jamison, Q., Siegle, A., & Katta, P., et al. (2024). Recording animal-view videos of the natural world using a novel camera system and software package. PLos Biology, 22, e3002444.
Added by: Sarina 2024-06-16 14:30:25
Lindén, J., & Dam-Hansen, C. (2023). flicker explained: guide to iec 61547 for the lighting industry. Lund University.
Last edited by: Sarina 2024-06-16 14:12:33
van der Steen, M. Spectrum of moon light. Retrieved June 8, 2024, from ... /spectrum-of-moon-light
Last edited by: Sarina 2024-06-08 10:36:31
Lin, H.-L., Zeng, X.-H., Shi, S.-M., Tian, H.-J., Yang, M., & Chu, K.-M., et al. (2019). Optimization of gaas-based 940 nm infrared light emitting diode with dual-junction design. Optoelectronics Letters, 15, 113–116.
Added by: Sarina 2024-06-01 08:56:39
Tedore, C. (2023). A comparison of photographic and spectrometric methods to quantify the colours seen by animal eyes. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 15,
Added by: Sarina 2024-05-04 07:20:29
Taylor, E. N., Diele-Viegas, L. M., Gangloff, E. J., Hall, J. M., Halpern, B., & Massey, M. D., et al. (2021). The thermal ecology and physiology of reptiles and amphibians: A user's guide. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological and Integrative Physiology, 335(1), 13–44.
Added by: Sarina 2024-05-04 07:19:11
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